What is the difference between thermography and traditional imaging which includes a mammogram, ultrasound and MRI?

Traditional imaging is looking for anatomical or structural changes because you are looking for a lump. What we know is that cancer doesn’t just happen overnight. Going from a few cells to a lump takes about 7-8 years of growth.

Thermography looks at the physiology (normal functioning) of the breast and the whole body, the biochemistry. It looks at changes that are happening while it’s still at the cellular level. Thermography measures the temperature emitted from the body. Regions of increased surface temperature are often associated with increased vascular activity supplying tumors with sufficient nutrients for sustained growth. This gives us the best opportunity to make changes before we have a disease.

Can I do a thermogram instead of a mammogram?

These are two different tests, as different as apples and oranges. Traditional imaging is looking for anatomical or structural change, a lump. By the time you have a lump you already have a disease that is diagnosable. Thermography is looking for the biochemical changes that can happen before a lump is developed while there is time for intervention. 

Keep in mind that like other imaging procedures, thermal imaging does not provide a diagnosis. Only your doctor can provide a diagnosis. 

Does insurance cover thermography?

The Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) both cover it without question. Traditional insurance deals in disease and disease management and does not cover anything preventative. 

Why hasn’t my doctor heard of this?

The American Medical Association (AMA) determines what protocols doctors follow and the standard is mammograms for disease management. Thermal imaging is a preventative tool and most doctors are not trained in prevention, diet, or nutrition. The test is painless, economical, and is FDA approved as an adjunctive imaging procedure.

Who can be scanned? What if I have dense breasts or implants? How old do I need to be?

Thermography is safe for women of all ages as we are simply reading the heat patterns coming from your body.  This screening is not damaging in any way. There is no radiation, or compression. It’s safe for women who have implants or have had mastectomy or breast surgery. 

Who interprets the images?

All of the images from Image of Health are interpreted by a doctor who is a board certified Vascular-Interventional Radiologist. All imaging – MRIs, ultrasounds, mammograms, CT scans, PET scans – are read by a highly skilled radiologist. Thermography is no different and should be read by a highly skilled radiologist.

Why should I get thermography?

Thermography is a safe, non-invasive, pain-free procedure that uses no radiation. It is a technology for women who want to be proactive about their health and don’t want to wait until they have a disease. Thermography can detect increased blood flow around abnormal tissue. Often these patterns may suggest the need for hormonal, dietary, nutritional or lifestyle evaluation. This is an opportunity to evaluate your breast health and if necessary, make lifestyle changes being proactive with your health. 

So what is next?

  1. Make an appointment
  2. When you come into the office your images will be taken in a temperature controlled imaging room. While your body acclimates to the temperature of the room you will:
    • fill out a standard HIPAA release form;
    • the imaging technician will ask basic questions that will be included in the report to the Doctor;
    • multiple images are taken depending on the service you selected;
    • the process will take about 30 minutes.
  3. Your file is sent to the doctor who will read the images and writes the report.
  4. You will get your report in about a week.
    • When you get your report it will have detailed information about the Doctor’s findings.
    • If you need additional assistance with the report, you can call into the office and we will set up a time to go over your report.